Privacy Policy

The privacy of AdSense Code Converter tool visitors is very important to us. And we know it is a crucial concern for all who uses online tools like HTML to XML converter or online XML parser etc. So here we declare the privacy policy for our visitors or the consumer using the HTML to XML Converter tool.

We are using Google Blogger service to serve you with the AdSense Code Parser tool. Which is known as Google Blogspot.  And also we are using Google AdSense ads to generate some amount for the maintenance of this online converter or parser tool. So Google might collect your data when you are here on this online converter tool site. Your details like your IP address, your browser history, your device name or model, your internet service provider will be capture bt Google to serve you with the ads that suits you the best.

Apart from that we don't collect or capture any information or details of people who is using our online converter tool.